Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This semester has been crazy!  To catch everyone up to speed, I graduate Dec 12 from Texas A&M University! Whoop :) A couple of weeks ago I got my Aggie Ring and my dad presented it to me.  Such a sweet moment.  If you don't know already both my parents went to A&M which is where they met and my sister just graduated from there.  My grandpa also graduated from A&M and 50 billion other relatives too.  So it is quite a big deal to finally get my ring.  I remember when my best friend Zoe and I were freshman and we would talk about how we would get chill bumps just thinking about getting our Aggie Ring one day.  Getting a school ring is a big deal here, it means whenever you see someone else with the Aggie ring you have an instant connection and friend.  We like to ourselves as a big family that will always be there to help each other out.  After getting my ring, along with 2 of my roommates we threw a huge ring party.  All I have to say is thank goodness for over zealous moms.  haha. Meredith and Amanda's moms put together the whole thing.  All we had to do was send out the invites.  There is a tradition that when you get your ring you have to dunk it.  Typically it is in a pitcher of beer, but my roomies and I did it in a pint of strawberry ICEE.  Basically everyone watches you and the goal is to see how fast you can drink it and reach your ring.  Well I finished dead last... but I didn't throw up so that is good news!  My friends from out of town came in and my parents were able to stay the night at the hotel I work at so all in all it was amazing! 

1 comment:

Zoë said...

Oh, I am so glad you lost instead of throwing up!