Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Carol is here!!! I've been waiting a month for this girl to get here and God finally sent her my way :) We picked her up from Sao Paulo at 4 am this morning. Oh it was an adventure! haha The hotel we stayed at looked like it belonged in an airplane. You had to back your way into the bathroom, shower was see through, and the shower door opened up right beside the double bed which had a single bed directly over it. Kinda like a bunk bed. It was great and we laughed and laughed! Ali, Manu, and I picked Carol up from the sketch bus station wearing party hats. Manu protected us, no worries. It has been a packed day and now we are off to play pool. I have a roomie tonight, be excited!!


mlthompson said...

Oh I AM exicted! Welcome Carol!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mary lou!! I was just thinking about you today and wanted to say hi!!!! You are in my prayers and I am so proud of you!!! I'm keeping Little Lainey tonight where Wade and Sam can go to the church teachers banquet tonight,,, So I ready for her to get here!! She is so much fun... Hope you are doing good and just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you....