Thursday, January 8, 2009

Panic Attack

I completely forgot to finish about my panic attack until Juan called to tell me he was still waiting. Haha oh what will my life be like without Juan, a little less exciting :) So on to the panic attack.  So I'm sitting in her office, looking at Morgan's desk and 50 billion quotes when I started to freak out. Its a little desk in a little office with another girl about a foot away and if she sneezed without covering her mouth, you would probably feel it. Gross. Then as I'm examining everything I realized, Morgan spends at least 8 hours of day in there, 5 days a week, facing a wall. Thats when I flipped out for a second, picturing myself in her situation. Wow sitting in an office that long looking at the same old things, I think I would explode or become a very sad person with no spunk or creativity. I am going to do everything I possible can to avoid working at a job that includes working in a tiny office that you have to stay in alllll day long. Morgan does get to leave and meet with clients, go to happy hours, and you know fun things, so thats not so bad. I know there is a possibility I will have a job like that, you have to suck it up sometimes, but hey I'm gonna do all I can to prevent it. And if I do then my office is going to look like a rain forest and have a mini trampoline. haha

1 comment:

Austin said...

i dont know that i like you talking bout this juan guy....hmmm...and you would want a trampoline.