Friday, January 23, 2009

Just have to add

Okay so in Brazil fanny packs are in! Wow i could not believe it, fanny packs, really... every time i see one it makes me laugh on the inside hahaha

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My Supervisors ;)

Alright everyone, I have officially met the couple I will be working with 24/7, Mark and Ali! Anddd they are fantastic! Both of them are fun, incredibly passionate about the church and the youth, up for change and new ideas, and all about mentoring/ encouraging the interns. Today we just bonded and Ali and I are kind of having a girls night. Yay! I'm crazy excited about the next six months. I love seeing how God works things out for you and knowing he really does have you in mind.

Things in Brazil that are like Texas/ The Thompsons
- People are incredibly friendly
- Brazil Church is the same size as MP Church
- People run at least 30 min late. gotta love Thompson Time
- Love to eat ice cream
- Itu is known for big things (gift shops sell objects that are 10x their orginial size); bigger and better in Texas
- People wave to each other
- Brazil considers themselves very different than the rest of South America
- Dinner is around 8 or 9pm
- Uno (the card game) is very popular

Saturday, January 17, 2009

First Few Days

So I am here in lovely Brazil where the temperature is just right for me and everything is green. I arrived with no problems and Ali and Mark's (my missionary family) best friends were there holding a sign with my name on it. They of course were incredibly sweet and fun to be around. Barbara spoke a little bit of English but she was the only one. Not too bad but I was definitely wishing I had more time in the States to learn Portuguese. After picking me up we went shopping in Sao Paulo, craziness! The streets were packed! It was fun of course and we only stayed for a couple of hours. For lunch we had a traditional/popular sandwich, kind of like a warm ham sandwich but in french bead, very yummy. I was so exhausted though. My flight from Dallas left the 14th at 5:30 am, meaning I got to the airport at 3:30 am haha that was rough. Then arrived in Houston at 6:30 for my 14 hr layover. My friend Stuart picked me up and we played around downtown Houston and met up with some of my girlfriends, fun stuff. The plane to Sao Paulo had two little boys sitting behind me without a mother right there, you can fill in the rest haha no it wasn't too bad. Anyway I was oh so tired and feel asleep with my head hanging out the window. It was great! That evening I met about 8 of the youth group.  They were so nice and tried to translate for me when they could. They were all silly and full of laughs, I already love them :) Now I am at Ali's parents house, which is beautiful. They live in a gated community, security cameras, tall walls with barbed wire at the top, security guards driving around so I was able to go on a short run this afternoon.  All in all I love it here!! Ali and Mark come back from their vacation either Tuesday or Wednesday and then the work begins! I can't wait!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Panic Attack

I completely forgot to finish about my panic attack until Juan called to tell me he was still waiting. Haha oh what will my life be like without Juan, a little less exciting :) So on to the panic attack.  So I'm sitting in her office, looking at Morgan's desk and 50 billion quotes when I started to freak out. Its a little desk in a little office with another girl about a foot away and if she sneezed without covering her mouth, you would probably feel it. Gross. Then as I'm examining everything I realized, Morgan spends at least 8 hours of day in there, 5 days a week, facing a wall. Thats when I flipped out for a second, picturing myself in her situation. Wow sitting in an office that long looking at the same old things, I think I would explode or become a very sad person with no spunk or creativity. I am going to do everything I possible can to avoid working at a job that includes working in a tiny office that you have to stay in alllll day long. Morgan does get to leave and meet with clients, go to happy hours, and you know fun things, so thats not so bad. I know there is a possibility I will have a job like that, you have to suck it up sometimes, but hey I'm gonna do all I can to prevent it. And if I do then my office is going to look like a rain forest and have a mini trampoline. haha