Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Day of Work/ Career Goals

Today is my last day of work at Vineyard Court Suites! Sad but glad. It was a good experience working at the hotel especially since it is in the field of what I want to do as a career. Hotel and Resort Management :) Coming into college I was unsure of what I wanted to do. Well I thought I knew what I wanted to go to college for while in High School. Being the huge animal lover I am, I wanted to be a vet. Luckily I worked at a vet's office to make sure that it was the field that I wanted to pursue. It wasn't long before Dr. Skidmore needed me to help him with an emergency surgery. A huge German Shepard had a busted spleen and we were short on staff that day. So I climbed into some scrubs and smock, put on the lovely surgical gloves and mask and stepped up to the plate. I was doing absolutely wonderful with the dog being cut open, blood everywhere and holding a spleen. Then just as we were finishing I started to think about how I was excited that I had succeeded with all the blood and guts, well you can guess what happened. I passed out! So yea that was the end of my dreams to be a vet. When I went off to college I had a scholarship for the College of Agriculture. After realizing my great amount of dislike for Ag Economics I switched to Ag Leadership with an emphasis in Tourism and minor in Horticulture.

Being that I have a love for mission work and understanding other cultures, my plan is to work with hotels and resorts in conjunction with mission/service work. I have hopes of doing volunteer or non- profit work in the United States some day as well as traveling or living in other countries. I think it would be so neat to work with city non profits that work with horticulture, like community gardens or involving "at risk" youth with gardening and beautification. There are a gazillion programs that work with plants and nature! You should google horticulture therapy sometime :) Horticulture therapy is a lot more enjoyable than plain ole physical therapy and can have the same benefits. I'm not too set on doing one thing, I would hate to try to put limits on God's plans for me. We'll see what God has in store for me!

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