Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flight Adventure!

Burrrr! Yup it is freezing cold in Washington. haha and I wanted to move to Chicago after graduation, I would have died! Well I just arrived into Portland this morning at approximately 10:40 am. I told my sister I'd rather her fly me to visit her then her fly to my graduation and that way I could spend tons more time with her. She's a big girl now with a job that she can't take off from, Spring Hill Suites Marriott in Vancouver, Washington. After coming back from my roomie road trip to Louisiana, The City of Lights, I immediately packed up to fly out the next day to Portland. I left yesterday evening with connecting flight to Denver and with my luck my flight was delayed due to a blizzard in Denver causing me to miss my connecting flight. Sooo I spent a lovely night in the Denver Airport. I did my best to look at it as an adventure and surprisingly it didn't end up being too bad. I was there from 10 pm till 8:30 this morning... Next time you go to the airport try to find plugs, not so many of them. But I finally found a lil' corner to wiggle my way into, guarding my bag and bundling up in clothes that I had in my carry on, and got about 4 hours of sleep. I really wish I had a picture! I had one arm linked with the strap of my carry one, phone hidden in between my chin and neck, shirts wrapped around my body for extra warmth and a scarf wrapped around my head to block out the lights.I definitely took quite a few moments to laugh at the situation. I did have a great opportunity to catch up with a good friend of mine and was able to see the gorgeous sunrise! plus plus. My next flight went wonderful and now I'm enjoying my sister's cozy hotel while she is in a conference call.

Speaking of the conference calls, I have to admit I had a slight panic attack once I was put in her office to find ways to entertain myself while she was working. (I felt like a little kid going to work with her dad or mom) Oh well as I'm typing this Morgan has come to rescue me to take me to lunch! Stay tuned for more info on the panic attack later! Miss you ALL!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Day of Work/ Career Goals

Today is my last day of work at Vineyard Court Suites! Sad but glad. It was a good experience working at the hotel especially since it is in the field of what I want to do as a career. Hotel and Resort Management :) Coming into college I was unsure of what I wanted to do. Well I thought I knew what I wanted to go to college for while in High School. Being the huge animal lover I am, I wanted to be a vet. Luckily I worked at a vet's office to make sure that it was the field that I wanted to pursue. It wasn't long before Dr. Skidmore needed me to help him with an emergency surgery. A huge German Shepard had a busted spleen and we were short on staff that day. So I climbed into some scrubs and smock, put on the lovely surgical gloves and mask and stepped up to the plate. I was doing absolutely wonderful with the dog being cut open, blood everywhere and holding a spleen. Then just as we were finishing I started to think about how I was excited that I had succeeded with all the blood and guts, well you can guess what happened. I passed out! So yea that was the end of my dreams to be a vet. When I went off to college I had a scholarship for the College of Agriculture. After realizing my great amount of dislike for Ag Economics I switched to Ag Leadership with an emphasis in Tourism and minor in Horticulture.

Being that I have a love for mission work and understanding other cultures, my plan is to work with hotels and resorts in conjunction with mission/service work. I have hopes of doing volunteer or non- profit work in the United States some day as well as traveling or living in other countries. I think it would be so neat to work with city non profits that work with horticulture, like community gardens or involving "at risk" youth with gardening and beautification. There are a gazillion programs that work with plants and nature! You should google horticulture therapy sometime :) Horticulture therapy is a lot more enjoyable than plain ole physical therapy and can have the same benefits. I'm not too set on doing one thing, I would hate to try to put limits on God's plans for me. We'll see what God has in store for me!